Gastric Sleeve Surgery

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

In gastric sleeve surgery, a surgeon removes part of the stomach and makes a narrow tube or "sleeve" out of the rest. The new, banana-shaped stomach is much smaller than the original stomach. After the operation, a person will eat less, feel full sooner, and be less hungry.
What Happens Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Preparing for this major operation takes months of work. Patients need to show that they are willing and able to make big changes in their eating and exercise habits before the surgery.
For several months before surgery, you will work with the medical team to build the skills needed for success. Here are some of the people who work as a team to help teens prepare for gastric sleeve surgery:

Doctors and surgeons. 

Several months before your surgery, you'll meet with a medical doctor and surgeon. Your doctors will also let you know about some of the things that can go wrong (you'll probably hear doctors call these "complications").
People go through lots of emotions before and after surgery. A psychologist can help you understand your feelings and help you prepare emotionally for surgery and the changes that will follow.
Because patients often depend on parents or other family members for meals, a dietitian will teach you and your family healthy eating basics like good nutrition, how to get regular meals, and the right portion sizes.
Exercise specialists. 
These experts help patients get more active. They'll work with you to develop an exercise program you'll like and workouts you can stick with. This will make recovery easier.
Talk to your doctor and exercise specialist to get their advice on how to gradually get back into your exercise routine.


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