Procedure & Types of Bunion Surgery

Bunions are bumps that occur at the joint and soft tissue between the base of the big toe and the first metatarsal foot bone like you see in the picture above. Bunions can be very painful.

Wearing shoes that are too small or too narrow in the toe area is the most common cause of bunions. This can be thought of as a pressure-response effect. Women are more likely than men to develop bunions.

Many people get relief from bunion pain by wearing larger shoes with a wider toe box. For example, someone with a bunion might choose to wear athletic shoes instead of high heels for pain relief.

The procedure of Bunion surgery

Some of the most common types of bunion removal procedures are osteotomy, exostectomy, and arthrodesis.


Knee osteotomy is used when a patient has early-stage osteoarthritis that has damaged just one side of the knee joint. In an osteotomy, your surgeon will cut your big toe joint and realign it to a normal position.

During this procedure, a wedge of bone is removed from the outside of the tibia, under the healthy side of the knee. As a result, the knee can carry weight more evenly, easing pressure on the painful side.


In an exostectomy, your surgeon will remove your bunion from the joint without performing an alignment.


Arthrodesis is also known as syndesis or artificial ankylosis. It is also commonly referred to as joint fusion. It is a method of surgical joint ossification used to fuse the bones in a joint when other treatments do not yield positive results. In an arthrodesis, your surgeon will replace the damaged joint with screws or metal plates to correct the deformity.

The arthrodesis procedure fuses the bones of the joint and prevents movement in that joint. Joint replacement surgery substitutes an artificial joint for the damaged one. These replacement joints will have the same range of motion of natural joints, but artificial joints can also wear out quickly.

Types of Surgeries for Bunions

There are have some surgeries for Bunions treatment. They are;


A bunionectomy is a surgical procedure to excise or remove, a bunion. A bunion is an enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe and is comprised of bone and soft tissue.

· Residual edema at the surgical site after prolonged ambulation or after exercise that resolves upon rest and elevation of the foot

· Dermatologic color changes over the dorsum of the foot at the end of the day or after having the foot immersed in warm water for a prolonged period of time

· Mild transient neuritis of some superficial nerves at the surgical site

· Increased sensitivity at the surgical scar

· Some limited first MTPJ ROM, especially in plantarflexion as compared with the preoperative measurements

· Induration with palpation of the first interspace

Bunion osteotomy

A bunion osteotomy is a procedure where the joint is realigned to prevent the big toe from leaning towards the second toe. During the surgery, a doctor will use plates and screws to hold the joint in place. The doctor may also do minor surgery on loose joints and tendons to help keep the joint where it should be.

Treatment Reference




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