Information about colonoscopy at Rowlett

A colonoscopy at Rowlett is an outpatient procedure in which the inside of the large intestine (colon and rectum) is examined. A colonoscopy at Rowlett is commonly used to evaluate gastrointestinal symptoms, such as rectal and intestinal bleeding, or changes in bowel habits.
A screening colonoscopy at Rowlett is recommended for anyone 50 years of age and older (45 for African Americans), and for anyone with parents, siblings, or children with a history of colorectal cancer or polyps.

What happens before a colonoscopy at Rowlett?

To have a successful colonoscopy at Rowlett, your bowel must be empty so that your doctor can clearly view the colon. To do this, it is very important to read and follow all of the instructions given to you at least 2 weeks BEFORE your exam. If your bowel is not empty, your colonoscopy at Rowlett will not be successful and may have to be repeated.
You may experience skin irritation around the anus due to the passage of liquid stools. To prevent and treat skin irritation, you should:
  • Apply vaseline or Desitin ointment to the skin around the anus before drinking the bowel preparation medications. These products can be purchased at any drug store.
  • Wipe the skin after each bowel movement with disposable wet wipes instead of toilet paper. These are found in the toilet paper area of the store.
  • Sit in a bathtub filled with warm water for 10 to 15 minutes after you finish passing a stool.

What happens during a colonoscopy at Rowlett?

During a colonoscopy at Rowlett, an experienced doctor uses a colonoscope (a long, flexible instrument about 1/2 inch in diameter) to view the lining of the colon. The colonoscope is inserted into the rectum and advanced through the large intestine. If necessary during a colonoscopy at Rowlett, small amounts of tissue can be removed for analysis (a biopsy) and polyps can be identified and entirely removed. In many cases, a colonoscopy at Rowlett allows accurate diagnosis and treatment of colorectal problems without the need for a major operation.
  • You are asked to wear a hospital gown and an IV will be started.
  • You are given a pain reliever and a sedative intravenously (in your vein). You will feel relaxed and somewhat drowsy.
  • You will lie on your left side, with your knees drawn up towards your chest.
  • A small amount of air is used to expand the colon so the physician can see the colon walls.
  • You may feel mild cramping during the procedure. Cramping can be reduced by taking slow, deep breaths.
  • The colonoscope is slowly withdrawn while the lining of your bowel is carefully examined.
  • The procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

What happens after a colonoscopy at Rowlett?

  • You will stay in a recovery room for observation until you are ready for discharge.
  • You may feel some cramping or a sensation of having gas, but this quickly passes.
  • If sedation has been given, a responsible family member or friend must drive you home.
  • The procedure typically lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Avoid alcohol, driving, and operating machinery for 24 hours following the procedure.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, you may immediately return to your normal diet. We recommend you wait until the day after your procedure to resume normal activities.
  • If polyps were removed or a biopsy was taken, the doctor performing your colonoscopy at Rowlett will tell you when it is safe to resume taking your blood thinners.
  • If a biopsy was taken or a polyp was removed, you may notice light rectal bleeding for one to two days after the procedure. If you have a large amount of rectal bleeding, high or persistent fevers, or severe abdominal pain within the next 2 weeks, go to your local emergency room and call the physician who performed your exam.


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