Overview of Mugwort Artemisia Vulgaris


The mugwort plant has been commonly used for each item from digestive disorders to beer-making, insectifuge, and more. Mugwort may be a perennial plant within the Asteraceae family. The plant is native to northern Europe, and Asia; it also can be found in many parts of North America.

The mugwort plant grows to 4 feet tall, but occasionally reaches heights of up to six feet. Its angular reddish-brown stems have bitter-tasting leaves that have a sage-like smell. The plant blooms with yellow or dark orange flowers within the summer.

Mugwort has been attributing many health-promoting and other beneficial properties. These include:

• Emmenagogue: Promoting regular menstrual cycles

• Nervine: Nerve calming

• Digestive

• Diuretic: enlarge urine output

• Repelling insects

• Flavouring foods

Its uses range from insectifuge and as an ingredient in alcohol to a treatment option for a good range of health conditions, including osteoarthritis, digestive conditions, and menstrual cramps, to name a few.

Although this plan of action may sound primitive, there’s clinical research evidence that backs the effectiveness of moxibustion and lends some standing to the practice of moxibustion.

People can make mugwort leaves into a tea by suffusing them in boiling water. Some people also smoke the plant as another to tobacco. It is also available in capsule form from many health stores.

Effectiveness of mugwort plant

• Itching caused by scars, when applied to the overblown skin. enlarge research suggests that applying a lotion containing mugwort and menthol on to the skin relieves itching in severe burn victims.

• Stomach problems

• Epilepsy.

• Irregular menstrual periods.

• Low energy.

• Anxiety.

How its work?

The parts of the mugwort plant that grow aboveground are wont to make volatile oil, which consists of several therapeutic chemicals. This chemical regulation has diverse health-promoting properties including the plant’s antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal effects.

These chemicals are thought to lend themselves to the labor plan of action in childbirth. This may end in a discount within the dose of oxytocin to stimulate labor contractions.

How Can Mugwort Help You?

The most foremost use of mugwort is in treating menstrual pain. This can be attributed to away, which involves the introduction of warmth over certain acupuncture points. This technique is additionally helpful in treating joint pains and reversing breech delivery positions.

1. Treats Menstrual Pain

Mugwort has been used to treat menstrual cramps. It was also used to energize the menstrual cycle.

Studies show that moxibustion can help treat dysmenorrhea (the condition involving painful menstrual cramps). The process improves blood circulation within the uterus and its surrounding veins.

2. Helps Alleviate Joint Pain

Mugwort, when utilized in the moxibustion technique, can treat joint pains also. Borneol, one among mugwort’s active components, might be liable for its pain-relieving effects in arthritis.

3. Reverses Breech Birth Position

Moxibustion with mugwort has its use here too. Just a couple of weeks before delivery, the top of the baby will naturally align towards the passage to organize for the method.

Moxibustion stimulates a selected trigger point near the toenail of the fifth toe. This creates blood circulation and pressure that eventually end in fatal movements. Moxibustion with mugwort is additionally effective in correcting nonvertex presentation the maximum amount, if less, as oxytocin.

What are the Side Effects of Mugwort?

Possible Issues During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Mugwort can cause the uterus to agree and trigger menstruation. This may cause miscarriage in pregnant women. There is not much specific available about the results of the feeding of mugwort by breastfeeding individuals. Hence, pregnant and breastfeeding women should ignore it.


Individuals allergic to plants from the Asteraceae/Composite plant family may also experience allergies with mugwort. These include sneezing and other sinus-related symptoms, and dermatitis.

How to make mugwort tea?

There are have Mugwort Tea making process. They are:

• Heat water to a boil.

• Use 1 or 1.5 heaped teaspoons of mugwort for every cup of water.

• during a teapot or French press, pour the water over the tea.

• Surround and leave to infuse for 8–10 minutes.

• Strain out the mugwort and serve.




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