PCOS Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) could also be a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels. PCOS also causes hair growth upon the face and body and baldness. And it can come up with long-term health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Birth control pills and diabetes drugs can help fix the hormone imbalance and refine symptoms.

PCOS influences a woman’s ovaries, the reproductive organs that produce estrogen, and progesterone hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. The ovaries also produce several male hormones called androgens.

The ovaries release eggs to be cross-pollinated by a man’s sperm. The release of an egg monthly is named ovulation. Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone which is produced in the pituitary gland, control ovulation.

It’s a set of symptoms resulting from a drag together with your reproductive hormones, which will produce irregular periods, excess hair growth, acne, or both, and infertility. It affects 1 in 10 American women of childbearing age. Women sometimes determine they need it once they have trouble getting pregnant.

We have recently become convinced that there’s a light sort of PCOS that has women who have hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries but whose ovulatory function is maintained. Normal ovulatory women with PAO cannot be considered to possess PCOS although many clinicians have based the diagnosis on ultrasound findings. Nevertheless, it’s curious that there’s this high prevalence of PAO within the normal population, and yet there’s a way the smaller percentage of girls who have PCOS.

Symptoms of PCOS

Signs and symptoms of PCOS vary. A diagnosis of PCOS is formed once you experience a minimum of two of those signs:

Irregular periods.

Infrequent, irregular, or prolonged menstrual cycles are the first-rate common sign of PCOS. A cycle lasts around 28 days, but it can vary from 24 days to 35 days, counting on the individual.

Most women have between 11 and 13 menstrual periods yearly. Bleeding usually lasts around 5 days, but this can also vary, from 2 to 7 days.

Excess androgen.

Elevated levels of male hormones may end in physical signs, like excess facial and hair, and infrequently severe acne, and male-pattern baldness.

In healthy women, the ovaries and adrenal glands fabricate about 40% to 50% of the body’s testosterone. Tumors of the ovaries and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can both cause too much androgen production.

Polycystic ovaries.

Your ovaries could be expanded and keep the back follicles that surround the eggs. As a result, the ovaries might fail to function regularly. The hormonal imbalance creates issues within the ovaries. The ovaries make the egg that’s released monthly as a part of a healthy cycle.

PCOS Pregnancy and Delivery Complications

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are at higher danger surely problems or complications during pregnancy. Some women might not realize they need PCOS until they struggle to conceive. PCOS often goes unnoticed until pregnancy.

Diabetes during pregnancy may be a concern many ladies with PCOS must face. If you develop gestational diabetes, insulin could also be required to stay your blood glucose levels stable. Gestational diabetes could end in problems during delivery.

Having PCOS can increase your danger of some complications during pregnancy, such as:

• Miscarriage

• High vital signs induced by the pregnancy

• Gestational diabetes

• Premature Delivery

• Pregnancy-induced hypertension and Preeclampsia

Some of these complications sound pretty scary, but there are many things that you simply can do to assist prevent them. First and leading, get regular prenatal care as early into the pregnancy as possible.

Causes of PCOS syndrome

You might be more likely to possess PCOS if your sister or mother also has it. It could even be associated with problems that make your body produce an excessive amount of insulin, which may affect your ovaries and their ability to ovulate.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormone imbalance also can be caused by toxins or an unbalanced way of life. Understanding the causes of hormone imbalance empowers us to stop them, and at an equivalent time, feel better, think better, and better prevent carcinoma.

Hormones are chemicals made in your body that carry messages through your bloodstream. They help control many functions in your body, like growth, energy, sexual function, reproduction, digestion, and temperature.

Production of androgens

Androgens are usually thought of as male hormones, but the female body naturally produces a small number of androgens too — on average, about one-tenth to one-twentieth of the amount produced by the male body.

The ovaries, adrenal glands, fat cells, and skin cells make androgens the female body’s supply.

Reducing progesterone

Progesterone is a female sex hormone. It’s produced mainly within the ovaries following ovulation monthly. It’s an important part of the cycle and maintenance of pregnancy.

Insulin production

Insulin may be a hormone made by an organ located behind the stomach called the pancreas. Insulin is then released from the pancreas into the bloodstream to reach different parts of the body. Insulin has many effects but mainly it controls how the body uses carbohydrates found in certain sorts of food.


Genes are passed from parents to offspring and contain the knowledge needed to specify traits. Genes are laid out, one after another, on a formation called chromosomes. Genes carry the understanding that determines your traits which are features or characteristics that are passed on to you or inherited from your parents. Each cell within the physical body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 genes.

How would I know if I have PCOS?

Irregular, heavy, or missed periods thanks to missed ovulation the discharge of an egg from your ovaries. This also holds on to you from becoming pregnant.

They can cause undesirable hair growth, called hirsutism, on your face especially the upper lip and the chin, back, chest, and in other places where men typically grow hair.

Collections of 12 or more egg follicles or “cysts” on your ovaries will be larger than usual. Your doctor will use an ultrasound to see for cysts.



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