Overview of Ultherapy Ultrasound Skin Tightening

Ulthera is a device that uses focused ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin. Ultherapy, a blend of the words ‘Ulthera’ and ‘therapy’ describes the treatment performed with the Ulthera device. It is a safe non-surgical method to lift and tighten skin without any visible downtime.
Medically, ultrasound is used for a variety of reasons. The term ‘ultrasound’ is commonly associated with pregnancy scans. In these ultrasound scans, high-frequency sound waves are emitted by a handpiece, and the reflections of these soundwaves are recaptured to form an image. 
All of the effects are deep within the skin or beneath it. It is akin to lithotripsy, a procedure that utilises focused ultrasound energy to break down kidney stones for excretion. The ultrasound energy reaches the target (the kidney stone) without disrupting the skin or other structures.
Utilising the power of focused ultrasound, Ulthera skin tightening can be used to lift and tighten the jaw line, chin, brow, and neck with one treatment. Instead, it provides an alternative for those who are looking for a non-invasive treatment to tighten skin and slow the facial ageing process.
In summary, the key benefits of Ultherapy include:
· Non-invasive nature
· No visible downtime
· Neocollagenesis – builds collagen
· Single treatment 
The Ulthera procedure stimulates collagen production by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s foundation layer, typically addressed in cosmetic surgery, without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin.
As we age our collagen begins to loose it’s shape, much like our favourite pants that were once well fitted and now a little saggier around the buttocks and knees. 
· The heat disrupts and breaks the bonds holding the collagen fibers in their shape, these are hydrogen bonds.
· A process called neocollagenesis occurs. This refers to the process of new collagen formation.
· Reorganisation and cross-linking of this new and existing collagen also occurs at the TCP sites, giving the skin increased elasticity properties and greater resistance to physical stress to the skin.
· Inflammation from the ultrasound heat triggers a secondary natural response, the release of a specialty cell that comes along to “mop up” any damaged tissue, this specialty cell is followed by fibroblasts.


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