How to choose the right appointment scheduling software for spa, saloon, and massage therapist business

Are you struggling with manual schedules? Looking for suitable scheduling software for spa, saloon, and massage center! Check below to know scheduler essentials and the best scheduling software for you.


Hupport is the world’s no #1 appointment scheduling software. It does not stop with fixing appointments and making schedules. It allows you to follow up on booked appointments. Through email, SMS, voice drop/message, you can keep tracking appointments.

Hupport takes few seconds to fix and schedule meetings. Hupport is designed to make schedules for all kinds of enterprises. It allows customization, and that’s what makes it more impressive than other scheduling competitor software.

Yes, it is no wonder that Hupport won 5 million trusted users across the world.

Scheduling features

  • Create appointment slots
  • Create availability
  • Control schedules
  • Control workflow
  • Block appointments
  • API integration
  • Calendar management

Fix and embed scheduling page on Website and Email signatures!

How Hupport scheduling works?

  • See scheduling page on the website with simple coding
  • Optimize your mobile appointment page
  • 24/7 user support
  • Website conversion with effective cost reduction

Supporting platforms

  • Windows
  • Mobile
  • Live support
  • Email


  • Zapier
  • Google calendar

Hupport suits

Hupport scheduling software suits all user enterprise like,

  • Freelances
  • Startups
  • Agencies
  • SMEs
  • Enterprises
  • Spa
  • Saloon
  • Massage center and what not.


Using Hupport scheduling software is cheap and effective.

  • You can try 14 days of free trials to know scheduling features.
  • Basic subscription plan starts from $10 per month.
  • To access the advanced version, pay $15 per month.

Hupport benefits

  • Slots
  • Calendars
  • Automated bookings
  • Easy access
  • Show availability
  • Control bookings
  • Notify customers
  • Re-scheduling
  • Cancelling appointments
  • Blocking appointments
  • Integrated links
  • Analysis

Scheduling with Hupport


Appointments are fixed with slots. Hupport uses simple coding to show booked appointments and available dates. You know your clients better. You can give your workflow as per the expected customer crowd. Once the workflow is fixed, it is viewable on the appointment page with reference to date and timing. Other clients can see the available timing and date. As per their convenience, the book for appointments. Scheduling slot is a unique feature of Hupport that makes quick and easy bookings.

Manage workflow

Workflow is well balanced and managed with Hupport. This helps the user to avoid stressful appointments. In general, there may be no visitors to your spa, salon, or massage center at one day, overcrowding customers on the very next day. These two highly unmanageable situations give stress and sometimes make you exhausted. Having schedulers helps you to have a consistent workflow throughout the week, month and year. Ultimately, you can have stress free workspace.

Tracking appointments

Forgetting appointments is one annoying thing about appointments. Customers may fail to take services on fixed appointments during several occasions. They can’t be blamed for this. It is hard for you to call them often and remind them of appointments. When the scheduler reminds of appointments on whatever social media that they use, then it is called a great relief. Automatically, Hupport makes multiple reminders. End of the day, there is no chance for missed appointments.


Hupport integrates with Google calendars to fix appointments. At the very opening scheduling page, customers can see the calendar. It does help customers to check dates of convenience. Your spa, saloon, and massage center may have off days. Especially, people have come and prefer to take services at spa, saloon and massage therapy only on relaxing times. Something therapeutic and beauty-related process works wonders in relaxed circumstances. It is good that customers can find a most relaxing day to fix their appointments.


Hupport gives automated confirmation on booked appointments. There is no manual intervention needed to check often about the confirmed bookings. It is enough that you make slots and give working hours alone. Hupport can take care of your booking and send auto-generated confirmation messages to customers. Hupport is highly reliable and user-friendly scheduling software.


Hupport allows you to stay connected with your customers. It is not tracking appointments alone; but showing up-gradation, new launches, and services to customers. Through schedules, you can get linked to all customer social media links. There you can send reminders about appointments. Adding to that, it is easy to reach them after services. Any offers and discounts can easily reach many people when having customer key details with you.


When you are using Hupport scheduling software, you can know a number of people who visited your scheduling page. This is like the business analysis. You can find it highly helpful to analyze increasing or decreasing views. This can give you a strategic approach to reach customers in every way. It also shows a number of booked appointments, waiting for confirmation, canceled, and missed appointments. Having a glimpse of all these reports, it is easy for you to manage appointments and schedules.

Feedbacks and reviews

Hupport is more than a scheduler. On the scheduling page, you can link customer feedback links. Through the link, customers can view others' reviews and feedbacks on services taken. This page can be managed by the user. This creates reliability and openness of your spa, saloon and massage center. It also shows you really outstanding and unique from others.

Schedules in signatures

When you have an email signature for your spa, saloon, and massage center, you can still link Hupport scheduling page into it. It does serve a dual purpose: branding and promoting. Customers really find it easily accessible and something not consuming time. They can avoid visiting directly for appointments or make back-to-back calls.


Customers will be very much pleased when you ask for rescheduling for missed appointments. Again on the preference and convenience of clients rescheduling may get done. Especially when it is a spa, salon, or massage center, it is convenient which is more preferred than everything. It is quite often and normal to do rescheduling.

Linking locations

Spa, saloon, and massage centers need customers to visit directly to take services. Services take too long and are time-consuming. It is necessary for the customers to come on time for appointments. For that purpose, linking locations is much needed. When the location is directly linked on the scheduling page, customers will be more pleased to pick your spa, salon, or massage center among others.


You already have staff to assist you in the spa, saloon, and massage center. Having additional staff to manage schedules and appointments is too pricy. But using Hupport scheduling software is too economical to use. It is also error-free scheduling, unlike manual schedules.

In all possible ways, Hupport helps users to have the best scheduling experience.

How to choose the right appointment scheduling software?

User scheduling needs may vary on every enterprise. When you have a spa, saloon, massage center, or such therapeutic service, you need more than a scheduler.

The right appointment scheduling software must have scheduler essential features.

Here is a checklist to help in choosing the right appointment scheduling software. Yes, Hupport has all these scheduling essentials.

Embedding website

Scheduling software must enable to embed on the website. May it be a spa, saloon, and massage therapy, Clients will see for key details on the website. It is easy for them to check for available schedules on the very website. Scheduling embedded on the website is accessible and helpful for clients to book. Nowadays, it is easy to embed scheduling in email signatures too.

Showing schedules

Chosen scheduling software must have integration with other apps like email signatures. This is like reaching clients through all possible means. On seeing schedules, clients can put their appointments in slots of their convenience.


Scheduling software should have automation in booking appointments. It makes sure that there is no manual intervention needed. Confirmation of appointments is sent to respective clients immediately. Best scheduling software never asks for frequent permissions and access to confirm booked appointments.


There is always missed appointment in spa, saloon and massage center. Clients may not turn to their fixed appointments at times. In that case, rescheduling is much needed. It is a double task of picking missed appointments and scheduling them again. Chosen scheduling software must-have features to reschedule missed appointments.

Control bookings

Scheduling software must have control over the appointments booked. It never stops by sending reminders to clients. It should also be well managed and keep tracking the booking. The flow of the bookings should be under the control of the user. It helps the user to block bookings when he/she is not available. User can turn on and off bookings whenever he/she wants. Software should make appointments that are completely under the control of the user.

Sending notifications

Scheduling software must update the clients about coming appointments. It should keep track of the clients everywhere to remind the appointment. For this, scheduling software must be linked to send reminders to all communicative areas. It is not only mails through which reminders can be sent. Instead, all the social media pages of the clients need to be linked with the appointment to remind the appointments.

Make payments

Scheduling software must show the online payment options in it. When the client is visiting for an appointment, they may find it easy to make online payments for upcoming services taken. This is one indirect way of making clients not miss the appointments. Once they paid, they must be visiting for the appointment on time. A step above, they find it more reliable when spa, salon, or massage center is providing payment links apparently.

Schedule management

Not all can stick to the timing of appointments. They may find the timing inconvenient to visit directly. In those cases, the scheduling software should be easily accessible to edit and make changes in appointments. It should not be a hard and long procedure. Instead, changes should be done within single clicks.

Linking locations and contacts

Scheduling software must provide space to link in the physical address of the spa, saloon, and massage center. With that, linked in social media ids should also be included in appointment booking pages.


Scheduling software must allow the user to attach videos of services of spa, saloon, and massage center. Users can also post a video on infrastructure and therapeutic treatments given in their spa, saloon, and massage center. So, clients should get to know everything about your enterprise with one click. They may visit all these links while making appointments. It is surely a kind of branding that can highly impress clients. You can stealthily advertise your spa, saloon, and massage center just by appointment.

Built-in calendar

As scheduling is based on date and time, it is important for the scheduling software to have a calendar. On the very page of scheduling, the calendar should be viewable to look for dates and availability. Make sure that the chosen scheduling software is having a built-in calendar option or integration with any such calendar options.

All these scheduler features make scheduling easy and effective. Think if you find scheduling software having all these features; you may hurry to use it right!

Sign up for Hupport to get the best scheduling experience!

Key takeaways

Using Hupport scheduling software is the right choice in all the following ways.

  • Easy access
  • Easy bookings
  • Automatic confirmations
  • Reporting
  • Analysis
  • Managing appointments
  • Even workflow
  • Canceling appointments
  • Block bookings
  • Re-scheduling
  • Making payments
  • Finding locations
  • Viewing reviews
  • Linking attachments
  • Integrations
  • Follow up
  • Tracking appointments
  • Taking feedbacks
  • Customer convenience
  • Customization
  • Reminders
  • Auto updates
  • User friendly
  • Zero manual intervene
  • Economical to use

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