Notion of IV Therapy

 IV therapy is the fastest way to deliver medications, blood products, and more into the bloodstream to help with various health conditions, dehydration, and blood transfusions. Getting an IV for dehydration is the fastest and most efficient way to replace fluids in the body, though not everyone who is dehydrated needs to seek medical treatment for an IV.

One of the most common terms is IV Therapy. IV therapists also document the entire IV process as well as patient updates and success. They may even speak to physicians or other medical professionals about a patient’s progress.

IV therapies are administered by a healthcare professional, usually a nurse, for a variety of different reasons, from dehydration to medical emergencies. IV therapy can also help address symptoms related to conditions like the cold, the flu, morning sickness and hangovers.

The following are some of the most common reasons that a hospital patient may require an IV Therapy.

They are;


IV fluids replace the fluids that are lost to the body due to sweating, vomiting, and frequent urination. Not maintaining enough fluid hinders wound healing, immunity, concentration, and digestion. Roughly 60% of the human body consists of water. We routinely lose water when we breathe, sweat, urinate, or physically exert ourselves.

Pain Medication

Pain medication is another common fluid that is delivered by IV. Delivering the medication this way helps it to reach the bloodstream much quicker, relieving the patient’s pain much faster than taking a pill.

Blood Transfusions

Last but not least, blood transfusions are a very common use of IV. Thousands of patients a day are in need of blood transfusions following a traumatic injury. This can be due to a car crash, a severe cut, or any other extreme loss of blood.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, it’s important to remember that hospitals are well equipped with IV pumps to help save your life. The administration of intravenous fluids via IV infusion is common and very safe.

Therapy of Intravenous Fluid Regulation

Intravenous therapy is an effective and fast-acting way to administer fluid or medication treatment in an emergency situation, and for patients who are unable to take medications orally. Approximately 80% of all patients in the hospital setting will receive intravenous therapy.

Manual regulation

The rate of fluid dripping from a bag into an IV can be regulated through a manual technique. Nurse increases or decreases the pressure that a clamp puts on an intravenous tube to either slow or speed the rate of flow.

Electric pump

The rate of flow in your IV can also be modulated with an electric pump. Your nurse programs the pump to deliver the desired amount of fluid into the IV at the correct rate.



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