Side effects & Benefits of IV Therapy & Intravenous (IV) Treatment for Dehydration

IV stands for “intravenous” or “inside the vein”. It means that the patient receives substances directly to their veins through a tube called a cannula. This could be either medication or nutrition.

IV infiltrations and extravasations occur when fluid leaks out of the vein into surrounding soft tissue. Common signs include inflammation, tightness of the skin, and pain around the IV site.

IV Therapy is nothing new in the medical community, nor is it a crazy fad. Medical professionals first attempted injecting medications into veins in the 1600s, but due to poor hygiene, the practice was abandoned.

Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more water and fluids than you take in. Dehydration is a state whereby your body doesn’t have enough water and fluids to carry out its normal functions.

Side Effects of IV Therapy

IV therapy involving severe complications like extravasation, particularly from chemotherapy drugs, can leave permanent damage, including third-degree burns or necrosis.

Compartment Syndrome

Compartment syndrome occurs when excessive pressure builds up inside an enclosed muscle space in the body. It can be an emergency, requiring surgery to prevent permanent injury.

Compartment syndrome may cause nerve, tissue or muscle damage. The condition often requires emergency surgery to decompress the affected area. Patients should expect more extensive rehabilitation and healing time.


Necrosis is the name given to the unprogrammed death of cells and living tissue.

It is less orderly than apoptosis, which is part of programmed cell death. Wounds with necrotic, or dead, tissue cannot heal and must be removed to allow healthy tissue to grow in its place.

Permanent Nerve Damage

Peripheral nerves send messages from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body, helping you do things such as sensing that your feet are cold and moving your muscles so that you can walk. Nerve damage from IV insertion is relatively rare. It can be caused by puncturing the nerve with the needle when an IV is started, or from compartment syndrome.

Medication dosing errors

A medication error is a failure in the treatment process that leads to, or has the potential to lead to, harm to the patient. Infiltrations mean patients don’t receive the appropriate amount of medicine into their bloodstream making treatment less effective.

Benefits IV therapy for dehydration

There are have some benefits of IV therapy for dehydration. They are;

Hydration IV Therapy is More Efficient

Drinking fluids is actually not an efficient way to stave off dehydration. When you drink from a water bottle after a workout the tissues in your throat and along your digestive tract absorb most of the liquid. Hydration IV therapy injects the fluids directly into your bloodstream so your body can deliver the fluids where you need them most. It’s a faster, more efficient way to hydrate your body.

You Need More Than Just Fluids

Drinking water doesn’t do that. Plus, drinking isn’t an efficient way to deliver the nutrients you need when you need them. Hydration IV therapy allows you not only to get hydrated but also can refresh and replenish your body with the nutrients you need right away.

Hydration Therapy is Easier on Your Digestive System

Drinking a lot of fluids can be hard on your digestive system. Often you have to drink a higher volume of fluids than your body can absorb at one time.

Hydration IV therapy allows your body to absorb nutrients and fluids without relying on the digestive system. It creates less waste than drinking fluids, and your body can retain more of the nutrients it needs.

Reduced Recovery Time

Hydration is critical to the recovery of your body. Athletes need hydration after a workout to help decrease muscle soreness and stiffness. If you are feeling tired after a long day at the office, you are actually dehydrated and need fluids right away to restore your energy. Fluids even help you recover from a hangover faster.

Hydration IV Therapy is Customized to Your Body

Hydration IV therapy is completely customized to your body. You get the perfect mix of fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients that you need to feel your best.

You can have hydration IV therapy that focuses on:
 — Athletic recovery
 — Energy boosts
 — Hangover recovery
 — Skincare
 — Immunity boosts

Improves Cognitive Function

Your brain needs to be well hydrated to work effectively or at its best. By the time you experience thirst, you are already dehydrated. At the earliest signs of dehydration, your brain begins to slow down.

When you are well-hydrated, you make better decisions. However, the brain is one of the last places to get hydrated when you are only drinking fluids. Hydration IV therapy improves your cognitive functions much faster than just drinking water.

Improved Skin, Joint, and Muscle Health

Hydration IV therapy will rapidly improve the health of your skin, joints, and muscles. The powerful influx of fluids and nutrients flushes toxins from these areas and restores them to full health. Hydration IV therapy helps you look and feel healthy, so you can always be at your best.

Treatment Reference



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