5 Reasons Why You Might Need IV Therapy in 2021

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a way whereby nutrients, vitamins, fluids, and medications are administered directly into the bloodstream through the veins.

The aim of IV therapy is to encourage maximum absorption by bypassing the digestive system. When an IV drip that contains nutrients, vitamins, fluids and medications is intravenously delivered into the bloodstream, the body is able to absorb 90–100% of the nutritional contents unlike when taken orally. The body is able to absorb nutritional contents of just 20–50% when these nutrients, vitamins, fluids, and medications are taken orally.

IV therapy is very effective and it delivers maximum benefits. There are many benefits and reasons why you may need to have IV therapy.

Below are some of the many benefits and reasons why IV therapy is good for you:

1. IV therapy is very important during surgery

A lot of surgical procedures are conducted every day all over the world. IV therapy is a very important component of most surgical procedures. Anesthesia, medications, antibiotics, fluids, and nutrients are administered intravenously during and after surgeries. IV therapy allows these medications, fluids, and nutrients to quickly get into the body system. The body is able to absorb them very fast.

If you want to undergo surgery, you will likely be given an IV drip. The IV drip allows your doctor or nurse to administer medications and other necessary components into your body for quick and efficient absorption. Your body is able to absorb the medications very fast which is not possible when taken orally. You will experience quicker and better relief from pain, fever, and other side effects that may want to arise.

2. Emergency medications

IV Therapy is used for emergency medications. While oral medications take time to work, IV therapy works almost immediately.

If you are in an emergency situation, doctors and nurses usually give IV therapy instead of oral medications.

In cases of accidents, excess bleeding, or acute dehydration, or loss of nutrients, IV therapy can be very beneficial. IV drip that contains fluids can quickly help to replenish acute dehydration. The body is able to absorb maximum amounts of fluids that is impossible when you drink water.

If you are unable to eat and meet your daily nutritional requirements due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or problems with any part of your digestive system, IV therapy can be very beneficial. IV therapy will help to replenish lost nutrients in a very quick and effective manner.

3. Stronger immune system

If you have a weak immune system, IV therapy contains essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that help to boost your immune system. If you are ill, your body losses fluids and your immune system is generally low. Taking IV therapy that contains essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, medications, and fluids helps to boost your immune system to fight off diseases. IV therapy is of great benefit to you if you are ill or down with bacteria or virus infection.

4. Accelerate wound healing

If you are injured or you have a wound that is not healing, IV therapy can provide faster healing. Taking IV drip that contains essential nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin A, B vitamins, zinc, and copper can make your wound healing faster.

5. Improves the appearance of your skin and enhances your beauty

IV drip is formulated with a special blend of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that helps to improve the appearance of your skin. It eliminates free radicals and detoxifies your body to make your skin appear younger and smoother. It improves the appearance of your skin and makes you look more beautiful.

Who to choose in Los Angeles for IV Therapy

If you are looking for the best place to have IV therapy in Los Angeles, we highly recommend RenewMe MedSpa.

RenewMe MedSpa is a reputable and prominent provider of IV Therapy and aesthetic services. At RenewMe MedSpa, we provide IV therapy in a customized manner that meets the specific needs of every individual.

We collaborate with professional expertise to provide different beneficial IV drip and formulations to ensure that each client gets an individualized experience.

RenewMe MedSpa provides a vast variety of IV treatments which includes:

· Dehydration IV therapy

· Energy boost IV therapy

· Hangover IV therapy

· Immune Boost IV therapy

· Myer’s Cocktail

· Beauty IV therapy

· Weight Loss IV therapy

· NAD + IV therapy

· Recovery IV therapy

· Performance enhancement

· Vitamin C IV therapy

· Detox IV therapy

· Casanova drip for erectile dysfunction

· Relaxation drip



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