Role of age getting a colonoscopy in Dallas, Tx


Age is the most important part of a colonoscopy, as a Regular screening is starting at the age of 45 because of the increasing incidence of Colon Cancer in younger people and the Black people should start receiving screening at age 45.

Because they are more often diagnosed at a younger age, is the way to preventing colorectal cancer. Also, some states pushing their peoples to have a colonoscopy in preventing colorectal cancer.

Colonoscopy procedure helps in identifying and preventing the abnormal tissues grown into your colon. It is a 60 mints procedure also it will save your life from colorectal cancer.

Colonoscopy is a simple procedure for your doctor using a flexible instrument with a tiny camera on the top of the tube. This tube will be inserted into your stomach and take some pictures to identify the abnormalities.

Way to having a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy procedures are a simple test but you will follow some instructions given by your doctor.

Dieting is a way to get better results for the colonoscopy because the tube will be inserted through your colon. If you cross the age of 45 you will get a colonoscopy that helps to prevent colorectal cancer.

The main reason for getting colonoscopies is colorectal cancer. Cancer is a cell that will increase uncontrollably means that will form cancer cells.

It’s very dangerous because colorectal cancer is non-preventable cancer and it’s has a high rate of causing deaths.

There are many symptoms having colorectal cancer but all other cancers are having similar symptoms, not colorectal cancer. You can identify colorectal cancer with this lifestyle, there are:

· Older age is common for colorectal cancer, age between 45 to 60 above

· history of Colon Cancer also leads to colorectal cancer

· Inherited syndromes that increase colon cancer risk

· Family history is one of the parts of colorectal cancer

· A sedentary lifestyle

· Diabetes

· Smoking

· Having Alcohol

· History of taking Radiation therapy for cancer

Which type of colonoscopy better for you?

There are several types is here to having colorectal tests all are giving better results but different procedures. Several screening tests can be used to find colon cancer;

You might be able to choose from various colorectal cancer screening tests. Doctors advise the people with an average risk of colorectal cancer begin screening around age 50.

During the screening, they’ll use a tiny flexible tube with the camera this flexible instrument, the tube allows the doctor to view your inside of the entire colon while inserted into the anus and then is forward slowly.

This colonoscopy process typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes.

Stool-based tests

Stool-based screening tests are used to reduce the incidence, the tool tests check for tiny amounts of blood into your stool faces that cannot be seen visually.

Using a tool or any instrument having a soft surface to obtain a small amount of stool blood then collect a stool sample at home. It will help to identify colorectal cancer in the laboratory.

Visual (structural) exams

In this method, the doctor using a flexible tube with lenses to viewing the cancer cells and the tiny instrument.

That will remove the cancer tissue samples. But this test will require more time to having preparation for colonoscopy.

After that, you will need to have the colonoscopy test that is the only way to collecting the result of your colorectal cancers.

Finally, your doctor will explain your treatments to take medicines. Also explaining the further operations needs to remove colorectal cancer.

Diagnostic colonoscopy

In this method, the doctor looks at the entire length of the colon. It is done with a scope putting into the rectum and identifying cancer or abnormalities then get the samples to sending the lab.


The colonoscopy procedures are reducing the risk of colorectal cancer and preventing it. If cancer is identified means also easy to remove it with the earlier identification of colorectal cancer. If you having a colonoscopy test after that you will start your normal life within 60 minutes. Colonoscopy has a high-level accuracy of colorectal cancer identification.

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