Leg Pain Symptoms and Descriptions

Not all leg pain derived from low back problems presents the same way. Some typical descriptions of leg pain and accompanying symptoms include:

Burning pain. 

Some leg pain is experienced as a searing pain that at times radiates from the low back or buttocks down the leg, or it may present as intermittent pain that shoots from the lower back down the leg and occasionally into the foot. advertisement

Leg numbness or tingling. 

Anyone who has had a leg or foot "fall asleep" and then gradually return to normal can imagine what numbness in a leg would feel like. Not being able to feel pressure, or hot or cold, is unnerving.

Weakness (foot drop) or heaviness. 

Here, the predominant complaint is that leg weakness or heaviness interferes significantly with movement.
Patients with foot drop are unable to walk on their heels, flex their ankle, or walk with the usual heel-toe pattern.

Constant pain. 

This type of pain is normally felt in the buttock area, so it is not technically leg pain but it may accompany some form of pain felt in the legs. It may also be pain that occasionally radiates past the buttock into the leg.

Positional leg pain. 

If leg pain dramatically worsens in intensity when sitting, standing, or walking, this can indicate a problem with a specific part of the anatomy in the low back.


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